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English Version ( Who we are)

Company Nheengatu Documentation, Preservation and Dissemination of Indigenous Culture and Sport and the Environment, is a nonprofit organization established to assist indigenous communities in Brazil in the rescue and preservation of their culture and traditional way of life, seeking to improve relations between communities indigenous and non-indigenous society, the strengthening of respectful relationships with people who represent the purest roots of Brazilian society.
Formed by love for the indigenous cause, the Company Nheengatu, has on its professional staff in various practice areas, as journalists, lawyers, biologists, and others. The diversity of skills of its members allows the institution to plan and develop various projects, and be able to participate in various activities throughout the country.
The Society aims to meet Nheengatu various aspects of the indigenous cause, for example, seek ways to self-sustainability to indigenous peoples, preserving at the same time, the environment, livelihood and future of new generations of all Brazilians.
Our initiatives are undertaken in direct partnership with indigenous communities, but always respecting the principles of "political" and even indigenous seeking support and legitimacy for the government of these peoples and strengthening the institution.
Since its founding in 2003, the Company Nheengatu has participated directly and indirectly through various activities, such as the National Indian Festival in Bertioga (SP) - since its first edition of the Indigenous Games - on several issues, Games Traditional Indigenous Peoples of the Xingu - in its first edition of an Indigenous Games of Pernambuco, Pará Indigenous traditional games, recreation and Indian edition of Brazil - the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI), the Photo Exhibition on Indian Zo'e Memorial Indigenous Peoples in Brasilia, cultural and religious gatherings in various indigenous communities.
Respect for and preservation of indigenous culture and the environment are, finally, the motivations of the existence of Nheengatu Society, whose mission is to help these people, who are the true Brazilian roots, in their struggle for cultural survival and even physical .